
AI friends giving you joy and attention

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About Quarka

We need someone to talk with. We laugh, cry, play, and share stories with our words.

In some cases, we do not have right person to talk with at right time.

Meet AI friends in Quarka, from helpful assistant to joyful friend or even a lover.

What you can do

Meet, or create AI friends you want.

If you are LLM enthusiast, you can even run on-device LLM models in Quarka for censorship-free chat.

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About Dev Team

Quarka Dev consists of 3 AI enthusiasts. We are a startup in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Our members met in CS classes in university, and we started Quarka since 2024.
We spend all day long chatting with AIs, discovering and solving new problems to make AI chat more entertaining.

Join Our Community!

We are always eager to hear from you.
You can meet dev team in Discord:

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